Khartoum to El Aaiun | eBook

Khartoum to El Aaiun | eBook
Mark Goodwin
2022 | 146pp colour pb | 978-1-914002-27-4
In the spring of 1973, aged 19, Mark Goodwin volunteered to teach English and Maths at a school in South Sudan. Upon arrival in Khartoum, he was informed that ‘some troubles had begun’ and he was not allowed to travel south.
With time on his hands, how hard could it be to go west from the Nile to Nigeria and then cross the Sahara before returning to England?
In a time before credit cards and mobile phones, he set off with just £50 of travellers’ cheques in his pocket, armed with the innocence and fearlessness of youth. Seemingly daunting obstacles and imposed detours doubled the journey to over 10,000 km. A highlight was crossing the west of Darfur with camels; a low point was being convinced he was about to be shot. Illness, hunger and extreme exhaustion are interspersed with sights and hospitality that only Africa can provide. And woven throughout is Mark’s infectious wide-eyed love and respect for the people he encounters.
Mark kept a log of his travels, which he shares here for the first time.