Posted to Brazil

Posted to Brazil
Jenny MacDougall
Journeys through South and Central America
2024 | 138pp hb | 978-1-914002-44-1
I have compiled this account of my travels through South and Central America from the many letters that I wrote home to my parents, posted from the Embassies and High Commissions on the way. I was 21 years old in February 1976 when I undertook my first Foreign Office posting to Brazil. I had to decide beforehand which route to take, the method of transport and the duration of the visits. My forward planning and preparation before making such extensive journeys was completely governed by how much money I had to spend. It was a very precious time to me and, in order to maintain a record of my travels, I asked my parents to keep and file all my letters for future reference. I fully intended to faithfully transcribe them many years ago, but instead nearly 50 years have elapsed!