The Borrack Chronicles

The Borrack Chronicles


Chris Sullivan

242pp | pb | ISBN: 978-1-914002-05-2

From the Prologue:

Most scientists would have ignored this saga as sheer fantasy, but not Professor Conner Flynn. He saw a science that pushed boundaries until they burst open, revealing a whole new dimension.

The journal chronicles the story of a chimera, a being half-man half-eagle, and his battle with a malevolent force. It would be wrong for me to say anymore; it’s best left to the master himself, Professor Conner Flynn. ...

(Case Study 45) The Chimera (Borrack) | Date1-9-2024

It has been fourteen years since I first came across the chimera, Borrack. At the time, I was on a fieldtrip across the Americas, researching the indigenous tribes of that great continent. It was towards the end of my fieldtrip, at a place called Native Bay, Southampton Island, at the north-eastern tip of Canada, that I first came across this unusual character.

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