Essays on Understanding Islam

Essays on Understanding Islam


Dr Mohammed Abdullah Pasha MBE

2021 | hardback 202pp | ISBN: 978-1-914002-09-0

We as humans live today in a multinational, multicultural, multi-religious yet secular society. The world of yesterday has now become a global village. For the first time in history we are coming together and getting to know each other.

Not surprisingly, I have been often asked, “What is Islam? Who is Allah? Who is Mohammad?” Good questions, and a welcome step in the right direction.

This little book is both informational and educational, useful to an enquirer, a learner. Perhaps a pupil learning religious studies. The basic principles and teachings of Islam are presented in the format of essays for easy understanding.

Islam is universal and has a missionary zeal. Yet it is the Quran, the textbook of Islam, which proclaims loud and clear, “There is no compulsion in religion.”

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Mohammed Abdulla Pasha is an Indian Muslim. Born in Bangalore (now Bengaluru), India, he was educated at St. Aloysius High School, Bangalore and Aligarh Muslim University. He graduated in Medicine in 1953 from Andhra Medical College, and has been in England since 1956. He retired from the National Health Service in 1992 where he worked as a Consultant Physician. In 2003 he was awarded MBE for Services to Health and Community Relations. He is Past Chairman and Trustee of Southend Mosque, Essex; Past President of The Rotary Club of Southend East; founder member of Southend Ethnic Minority Forum, and was honoured as Patron of the Forum some seven years ago.

A widower, Mohammed has two daughters and five grandchildren. He currently lives at a nursing home in Southend-on-Sea, Essex.

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