Freedom: The Power to Walk as a Disciple

Freedom: The Power to Walk as a Disciple


Alastair Dickson

978-1-909075-09-2 / 228pp / pb

“The book is not necessarily easy to take in and this is what makes it even more necessary and urgent! The central message is counter cultural and reminds us that true freedom does not mean doing everything we like to do or what we feel like doing! On the contrary, Alastair argues persuasively that true freedom is only found in following Jesus with all seriousness. The author makes a serious invitation and call to repentance, to biblical discipleship, and to a radical change in one’s life, as he shows that, in following Jesus, faith cannot be separated from discipleship. I am convinced God will speak to everyone who will read the book... I, therefore, recommend this book to you wholeheartedly.”

Corneliu Constantineanu President, Institutul Teologic Penticostal, Bucharest, Romania 

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