Penicillin and the Legacy of Norman Heatley

Penicillin and the Legacy of Norman Heatley


David Cranston and Eric Sidebottom

978-1-909075-46-7 / 100pp / hb

“At last, a biography of the crucial member of the Oxford research team that gave the world penicillin.”
Professor Max Blythe,
Green Templeton College
“...the most human and humble person you could ever imagine, and his work on the development of penicillin will last for ever.”
Paul N. Rimmer, Vicar of Marston, 1959-90
“It is remarkable that while his colleagues were receiving the world’s acclaim for the development of penicillin, the crucial contribution of Norman Heatley was largely forgotten. What is equally remarkable is that, in subsequent years, he never expressed even a hint of disappointment or envy at his exclusion.”
Sir James Gowans,
Fellow of the Royal Society

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