Peter Morris and His Legacy to Transplantation

Peter Morris and His Legacy to Transplantation


David Cranston

2023 | 162pp hb | ISBN: 978-1-914002-39-7

As a Surgeon-Scientist he was the real thing. Supremely competent in all he did, Peter Morris inspired us all. David Cranston tells the fascinating story of his remarkable life and times. Enjoy!

Professor Sir Peter Ratcliffe FRS

This is an enjoyable and enlightening read, peppered with fascinating nuggets which give a balanced insight into this determined man.

Martyn Coomer

What comes across are not just the achievements, but also the humanity of one of the most universally respected surgeons of his generation. It is a picture of Peter Morris that will be very familiar to all who knew him.

Professor Peter Friend

I believe this account of Peter’s life will allow recognition of him as a great surgeon and scientist and certainly a great Australian.

Brian Collopy

I am delighted to see that this engaging biography has been written that encapsulates his fascinating life.

Stuart Knechtle

Pioneering, energetic and determined, Peter Morris was a unique individual who made so many significant contributions in the areas of surgery, science and public policy.

Professor Susan Fuggle

As well as his clinical and scientific work, this book also outlines the contribution of Peter Morris as President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

Professor Neil Mortensen

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