Psychology, Religion and Mental Health

Psychology, Religion and Mental Health


Montagu Barker

ISBN: 978-1-909075-93-1 / 110pp / pb

This is a book that explores with integrity the creative interface between science and religion in the realm of religious experience and mental health. Not only doctors and clergy will find this book stimulating; the enquiring layperson who has an interest in religion and psychology will also benefit from the author’s through and wide-ranging analysis.

Dr Barker begins by addressing the key question – how far can religious experience be accounted for as merely the product of mental disorder? After surveying the philosophy and practice of the nineteenth century pioneers in psychiatry, Dr Barker goes on to examine twentieth century thinking with its increasing interest in the transcendental, so preparing the way for his penetrating discussion on conversion, cults and brainwashing. What about spiritual healing and alternative therapies? How do we account for the popularity of complimentary medicine? Is religion good for you, or is the religious person mentally sick, and religion by definition dehumanising?

As these and scores of other questions are carefully analysed, readers will be indebted to Dr Barker, who was himself a Consultant Psychiatrist and a committed Christian, for this frank and scholarly resource.

Monty Barker was born in Glasgow in 1934. After studying classics he qualified as a doctor, and in 1968 he was appointed as a consultant psychiatrist to the Bristol United Hospitals. His junior staff and medical students found him an excellent teacher, although at times quite intimidating. He also taught theological students in the UK, Paris and India and was an advisor, counsellor and friend to many. He died in 2015, leaving a lasting legacy to the Christian community in many parts of the world.

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