Searching for Alegra

Searching for Alegra


Alegra Mizrahi

2023 | 244pp pb | ISBN: 978­1­914002­41­0

I wish to tell you a fairy tale – a life story. A fairy story of birth and death, love and hatred, bad luck and good luck, wonderful people and monstrous people, lovely places and places that should be wiped off the face of the earth.

Threading through the story, I can trace the hand of fate, symbols of destiny and synchronicity which is like a dance, a special dance, a gift of life.

Moris, I do not know you and yet I do know you, from my earliest memories of what a man looked like. Those memories were trampled on, mutilated, distorted and damaged; it is a wonder that my eyes still remain with vision. But they do. And so I will risk telling you my fairy story.

Risk? Of course. It’s hard to risk telling you how much it meant to me to hear you say, “Alegra Mizrahi, that’s a Sephardi name!” That was when we first met. How could you possibly know of the struggle it has been to journey towards being what I was born to be: Alegra Mizrahi. My name.

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